2011-2012 Individual Varsity Records
Yr Wins Loss Pins TD
106# Isaac Danke Jr 12 22 4 7
113# Oliver Radtke Fr 24 15 7 19
120# Nick Thomas Jr 15 19 8 18
120# Kaleb Sciborski Fr 9 17 2 10
126# Tre Blohm Jr 16 15 9 21
126# Tyler Hart Jr 3 7 0 0
132# Jared Gruetzmacher Sr 36 8 19 41
138# Jared Radtke Fr 0 4 0 1
145# Trevor Potratz Jr 24 6 8 46
152# Casey Lenz Sr 12 17 6 21
152# Brandon Loehrke So 21 16 11 34
170# Jordan Haase Sr 15 16 7 14
170# Austin Hammond Fr 0 3 0 1
182# Mike Howe Sr 6 17 5 8
195# Jackson Stearns Sr 23 15 12 19
220# Andy Bork Fr 5 7 2 6
220# Nathan Stelzner Jr 0 0 0 0
285# Allen Bentle Sr 26 11 21 23
2011-2012 Totals 247 215 121 280
2011-2012 Team Varsity Records
Central Wisconsin Conference
4 - 4
Non-Conference Team Record
6 - 3
Overall Varsity Team Record
10 - 7
Little Chute Tournament
4th of 9
Akey Duals (4 - 1) 4 - 1
Green Bay Preble Tournament 5th of 17
Oconto Falls Tournament 13th of 15
New London Invitational 7th of 13
CWC Multi-Dual Meet (1 - 4) 5th
CWC Tournament 4th (2 Champs)
Regional - Division III 3rd
Sectional - Division III 5 Qualifiers
State - Division III 2 Qualifiers